Billede af solcelle have-ugle

Er der en, der er fiks på fingrene?

Det er ikke kun ude i den store verden, at der forskes i retinale behandlingsmuligheder og proteser. Jeg faldt over et opslag fra DTU (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet), hvor de søger en ph.d. studerende til et projekt, hvor man skal forske i udviklingen af solceller til retinale proteser. Det er en del af en større forskningsindsats, der er døbt “Bird” (fugl).

Spændende at vi i Danmark også er med i udviklingen af behandlingsmuligheder for sygdomme som RP og Usher. Det bliver interessant at se hvad resultaterne bliver.

Opslaget kan læses herunder: (på engelsk)

PHD Scholarship in Miniaturized Solar Cell for Retinal Prosthesis

If you are keen on applying your microengineering skills and advance the state of the art in neuroscience, we here can offer you a unique opportunity to improve the life of people suffering from blinding diseases. In the project BIocompatible Retinal prosthesis for restoring visual computations in blinding Diseases (BIRD), we are looking for a talented PhD candidate for the microfabrication of a photovoltaic implant for partial restoration of the vision of blind people.

You will be based at DTU Nanolab, where we conduct cross-disciplinary research and apply micro- and nanotechnology to a wide range of scientific disciplines and applications. The Biomaterial Microsystems group is a highly ambitious group, pursuing research on microfabrication of 3D polymer and carbon structures and devices and their application in drug delivery, bioelectrochemistry and sustainable energy.


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